Ever enjoy a meal at the table by yourself, or take a lunch break at work and like to read your Nook or other EReader? The perfect solution is a Nook/EReader stand! I made one of these for myself and LOVE it!! With Kevin's crazy schedule, I eat a lot of meals by myself and I love to read. I get so bored eating by myself so I like to grab my Nook to read a bit while eating. The nice thing about the Nook/EReader stand is it folds down and is approximately an inch thick, thats it. There is velcro that holds it together when it stands, plus there is a hidden dowel to hold the Nook so it doesn't slide down.
These little charmers are made using 2 different fabrics, making it fun, cardboard to make it stand, velcro and dowels, thats it. Its super easy to make and can be made in a matter of about 20 minutes.
Folds flat so it takes up very little space in a purse or suitcase for travel.
These also make a great gift for someone that has a Nook. They can be made in any color combination, or even different sizes for other EReaders.